Night Owl 22
Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO
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246 lines
3RDPLUS.ZIP 79071 02-29-96 3rdPlus AddIn for Borland C V 2.00 provides
| project manager, ANSI/O conversion, Source
| snippet maintenance and direct context help
| via the MSDN Developer Library of the
| incomplete Borland help files) fully
| integrated into the IDE. Borland C 4.5x is
| required. German/English docs. System reqs:
| Win95/WinNT/Win31/WfW.
5OLARPK1.ZIP 35292 03-13-96 Polar Component Pack - is a set of seven
| components for Delphi. This includes a
| rotatable label component, a popup calendar
| dialog, three combobox functions, and more.
AEDT182.ZIP 726915 08-07-96 -- ASM Edit v1.82 Shareware ---
| IDE with syntax-colors for ASM
| files, used with external
| Assembler, Linker and Debugger
| programs. Help system with
| mnemonics up to Pentium Pro,
| FPU and MMX instructions, VGA
| programming, interrupt list,
| DOS tables and formats, etc.
| ASM Tutorial & build-in tools.
| --- 07/08/96 1/1 ---
AIS_CB.ZIP 13942 06-06-96 TaisDBComboBox - enhances the Delphi
| TDBComboBox component by adding the ability
| to have a combobox that shows the codes
| description in the drop down
ALIASCBX.ZIP 6663 04-23-96 TAliasComboBox - is much like
| TDirectoryListBox, but lets you choose a BDE
| alias. It updates the TDirectoryListBox if
| one is assigned to the DirList property.
ALIGNE12.ZIP 38165 06-11-96 Align EASY - is a simple but powerful control
| alignment add-in for 32-bit Visual Basic 4.
AUTOUPDT.ZIP 22793 06-05-96 TAutoUpdateTable - is a TTable descendant for
| Delphi that refreshes on almost any data
| modification: inprogram, local, or network.
| Both 16and 32-bit versions are provided.
BIT_20.ZIP 1039429 01-25-96 Belmont Image Technician - is an image
| analysis and enhancement demo written in
| Delphi. It provides over 60 functions
| including tri-color merging, RGB
| tuning/tinting, print preview, JPEG archiving
CD16.ZIP 277419 06-11-96 CodeDoctor - is a powerful add-in package for
| 16-bit VB4. Features include the ability to
| copy/delete controls and menus and their code
| from form to form, tile/cascade/close VB code
| windows, More. Now with 32-bit version.
CLW425.ZIP 1101515 03-28-96 CLint - is a rigorous C/C source checker for
| both Windows and DOS. With great features.
CONC_003.ZIP 287008 08-02-96 CONCERTO BETA #3: A world-class door
| development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0. This
| kit is aimed toward people who want to create
| new, exciting games for BBSs. First rate
CSDELPHI.ZIP 138952 02-05-96 CSDelphi - will minimize (and later restore)
| all currently running windows just prior to
| starting Delphi.
CSH_DOC.ZIP 136894 03-25-96 Hamilton C Shell demo overview, powerpoint
| presentation, self-running demo.
CSH_PCL.ZIP 398675 03-25-96 Hamilton C Shell Userguide.
CSH_TXT.ZIP 208482 03-25-96 Hamilton C Shell DEMO user guide & lang ref
CTRL16.ZIP 255675 03-24-96 A set of enhanced controls for Borland
| Delphi. Native VCL components include tabbed
| list and combo box; check list box; colored,
| bitmap and 3D buttons with multi-line
| captions, 3D labels.
CTRL3_79.ZIP 150735 07-22-96 Control3: FAST file managment - times three.
| Control 3 is like Norton Commander, only
| faster. W/EGA/VGA support for extended DOS
CWORKS16.ZIP 88022 06-06-96 CalendarWorks - is a powerful calendar
| component for Delphi.
CXTW109.ZIP 558423 08-03-96 v2.35) CXT - C Exploration Tools (v1.09)
| CXTWIN - CXT for Windows C source code
| analysis. Builds calltree, cross-reference
| and provides a lot of useful informations.
| HTML (WWW) and RTF (WinHelp) output possible.
| Various configuration options. DOS and
| WINDOWS versions available. Shareware
CYBORGQA.ZIP 108538 04-22-96 CyborgQA - is a Delphi VCL that you can drop
| onto any form which allows you access to
| properties of the many controls on the form.
DATEDLL.ZIP 18043 06-05-96 LNGDTE16.DLL - is a 16-bit DLL that replaces
| Visual Basic's date manipulation functions
| allowing efficient storage of dates as long
| integers instead of variants.
DBW10S30.ZIP 110075 05-23-96 DBtoVB Wizard for Visual Basic that works
| with MS-Access databases. This is the Visual
| Basic 3.0 version.
DECDEF.ZIP 41275 01-11-96 DECDEF - is a decompiler defeater for your
| Visual Basic applications.
DFMINS11.ZIP 393881 05-25-96 Delphi Form Inspector 1.01 - a tool for
| Borland Delphi developers. Allows you to
| view, edit, archive, and compare Delphi forms
| in ASCII format. Includes an interface to
| PVCS. Forms can be archived in ASCII.
| Unregistered version works with Delphi v1.0.
DISKSPY.ZIP 96020 04-02-96 DiskSpy - is a component for Delphi that
| provides easy way to monitor disk activity
DRBOB102.ZIP 470626 04-23-96 Dr.Bob's Collection of Delphi 1.0 Experts
| consists of a dozen Delphi IDE experts in
| three different forms to aid in the
| development of 16-bit applications.
EASYRG32.ZIP 10670 01-29-96 EasyReg - is an OLE in-process server DLL for
| use in Visual Basic 4.0 32-bit applications.
| Sample code included in a Help file.
EDCHKLST.ZIP 10172 04-02-96 TEditCheckList - is an Edit control for
| Delphi with an associated list of items.
EUPHOR14.ZIP 361182 07-11-96 Euphoria Programming Language v1.4
| Public Domain Edition for DOS/Windows.
| Simple, flexible, powerful and easy to
| learn. 10-20x faster than Microsoft QBasic.
| No 640K limit. Complete Reference Manual.
| Supports Windows 95 long filenames.
| source code which demonstrates the storing of
| data (registration, configuration, etc.) at
| the end of an .EXE. Public Domain.
EXIMG.ZIP 23982 04-23-96 ExScrollBox, ExImage, and ExDBImage - is a
| set of three components for Delphi that
| enhance standard scrollboxes, add extra image
| specific properties, and more.
EZMOUSE2.ZIP 10591 08-04-96 Easy to use library of mouse routines for
| turbo pascal 7.0 users, includes many
| features. Registration is only $5 w/ s/h, $10
| for foreign orders.
EZNET.ZIP 260692 06-11-96 EasyNet/OCX - is a V4 custom control which
| allows you to develop flowchart- enabled
| applications. Both 16- and 32-bit versions
| are included.
EZ_INI1S.ZIP 15189 08-20-96 EZ-Ini 1.0 Shareware: a very easy to use unit
| for Turbo Pascal 7 users to read/write to
| .INI style files with ease. Only 3 variables
| and 2 functions to deal with, and a maximum
| of 4 lines of code to type! Reg $10
FILE2INC.ZIP 11572 06-13-96 FILE2INC - Convert any ordinary binary file
| into an array recognizable by Pascal.
FILECPSW.ZIP 32341 03-13-96 TFileCopy - is a Delphi component that can
| copy multiple files to a single directory.
FIRSTBAS.ZIP 297847 08-01-96 FirstBasic compiler 1.00 by PowerBASIC. A
| true machine code Basic compiler. Stop using
| the QBasic interpreter and step up to the
| speed of compiled code. Shareware
FLLAB100.ZIP 36260 03-27-96 TMCFlashLabel v1.00 - new labels for Delphi,
| can flash on/off or color cycle.
FLLAB200.ZIP 53321 09-01-96 TMCFlashLabel v2.00 - new labels for Delphi,
| can flash on/off or color cycle. Swedish
| ShareWare for Delphi 1.x & 2.x.
| *170* of the most helpful Assembly Language
| Procedures, including FULL SOURCE CODE. Over
| 16000 lines of code, fully commented, with
| complete documentation. FREELIB is public
| domain, free for all non-commercial use.
FXTW109.ZIP 323530 08-03-96 v1.35) FXT - FORTRAN Exploration Tools
| (v1.09) FXTWIN - FXT for Windows FORTRAN
| source code analysis. Builds calltree,
| cross-reference and provides a lot of useful
| informations. HTML (WWW) and RTF (WinHelp)
| output possible. Various configuration
| options. DOS and WINDOWS versions available.
GAMEKEYS.ZIP 2364 06-15-96 Game Keys v1.01 for PowerBASIC 3.0 or later.
| Freeware .OBJ for PowerBASIC programmers
| which allows them to read the state of keys
| on the keyboard without using the keyboard
| buffer. Perfect for game programmers.
GLLOD100.ZIP 151184 04-08-96 GlyphLoader v1.00 - lets you concentrate on
| designing your Delphi program instead of
| remembering those cryptic glyph filenames.
GRABICON.ZIP 10988 04-22-96 GrabIconImage - allows you to grab icons from
| ICO, EXE, and DLL files in Delphi.
GREPORT2.ZIP 36670 02-05-96 GraphicReport - is a Delphi object that
| quickly creates visual reports from a custom
IMEXVB32.ZIP 402093 01-30-96 IMEX OLE Server - is a 32-bit OLE Server for
| VB4 that offers import, export, update, and
| delete Properties and Methods
IMPL101.ZIP 22271 05-09-96 Implib32 - Implib for Win32 Version 1.01 -
| Implib32 creates 32 bit import libraries for
| Visual C 2.x and 4.x. Implib 32 is freeware!
| reqs 386+, Windows NT or Win 95, DUMPBIN.EXE
| and LIB.EXE supplied with VC 2.x and 4.x
INCEVAL.ZIP 132333 09-02-96 Incremental ComboBox Collection - provides
| four Quicken-style incremental combo boxes
| for your Delphi applications. Both 16- and
| 32-bit versions are included. Description
| Copyright 1996 PsL.
INICTL12.ZIP 112944 01-28-96 INI-aware Delphi components, for
| configuration programs; includes edit box,
| radio button, checkbox, combo box, and string
| grid. Eliminates tedious coding of
| TInifile.ReadString and WriteString calls.
INIFILE3.ZIP 564264 03-05-96 INI File OLE Server DLL - is an in-process
| OLE DLL for VB4 that allows access to any INI
| file via properties and methods.
KINSTW27.ZIP 120042 06-05-96 K-INSTALL for Windows v2.7 by ARK ANGLES - A
| powerful, versatile and robust installation
| program for both DOS and Windows software.
KLLDLPH2.ZIP 13835 01-17-96 KillDelphi - removes crashed Delphi files
| from the system. It also checks to see if
| Delphi is running and how many users have
| access on the IDAPI, so it will not crash
| your system if Delphi is still running.
LBLTOOLS.ZIP 13930 01-30-96 Disk Label Tools - contains a DLL which
| enables you to easily read, write, and delete
| disk volume labels from Visual Basic or C .
LIBKB100.ZIP 263089 08-01-96 Libkb - a free, advanced and portable
| lowlevel keyboard library for DOS/Linux.
| Supports virtual terminal switching under
| Linux. Works w/Borland C/Watcom C/djgpp &
| Linux gcc.
LXTW109.ZIP 310478 08-03-96 v1.35) LXT - LISP Exploration Tools (v1.09)
| LXTWIN - LXT for Windows LISP source code
| analysis. Builds calltree, cross-reference
| and provides a lot of useful informations.
| HTML (WWW) and RTF (WinHelp) output possible.
| Various configuration options. DOS and
| WINDOWS versions available. Shareware
MAILLABL.ZIP 252958 04-23-96 TMailLabel - is a Delphi component that gives
| developers the ability to easily set-up a
| mail label printing function for their
| programs.
MMBTN.ZIP 13649 02-05-96 TMMButton - is a button component for Delphi
| that will play AVI, WAV, and MIDI multimedia
| files when clicked.
MRODEMO.ZIP 415998 03-13-96 TtaDBMRO - is a Delphi component that
| provides Multiple Record Object (MRO)
| capability for database applications DEMO
MSGDLG03.ZIP 32616 04-22-96 TInputDialog and TMessageDialog - are two
| components that enable you to quickly add
| standard Input and Message Boxes to your
| Delphi applications.
MUBMP200.ZIP 51553 07-11-96 TMCMultiBitmap v2.00 - Resolution-independent
| image control for Delphi, one image per
| resolution. Smart component editor included.
| Swedish ShareWare for Delphi 1.x & 2.x.
MULTLANG.ZIP 303359 06-18-96 Multi Language Component - helps you
| "internationalize" your Delphi applications
| without writing any additional code.
MYABOUT.ZIP 14997 03-21-96 My About Box - allows you to create a
| pleasing and informative "about" box which
| presents the user with system, product, and
| contact information. It utilizes Win32 API
| calls to retrieve information. Requires VB4.